
Biophilic City Planning and Design Program

The Biophilic City Planning and Design Program offers you an incredible opportunity to learn the science of biophilia and the plans, policies and projects underway in cities participating in the Biophilic Cities Network that integrate nature, an essential element of urban landscapes. Through the program, you will build a network of collaborators to pursue the application of biophilic city concepts in your own cities. 

Meeting live online once per week for four weeks, you will can engage in learning and rich discussions with experts and enthusiasts across the globe. 

The Biophilic City Planning and Design Program is a partnership between the UVA School of Architecture and the School of Continuing and Professional Studies and features faculty members from Biophilic Cities  

UVA School of Architecture, Biophilic Cities, and School of Continuing and Professional Studies logos
stock person photo

Thank you for a great course and experience to learn more about Biophilic Cities Planning and Design! Your presentations, those of the guest lecturers, the valuable feedback from other classmates, and the resource materials have been immensely helpful! I look forward to advancing my Biophilic Action Plan!

Previous Biophilic Cities Planning and Design Participant

Topics and Schedule  

The program includes four online, live sessions held from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST on Zoom. The sessions will be interactive and provide great opportunities to engage with experts in the field and a group of global program participants. 

October 2, 2024 – Introduction to Theory   

The course will begin with EO Wilson’s biophilic hypothesis along with the rich and growing library of scientific study demonstrating the benefits of planning for integrated nature across the urban landscape. These conceptional foundations identify that daily contact with nature in cities is an innate, essential human need. Biophilic planning and design addresses critical city priorities that include human well-being, ecological health, community resilience, and economic vibrancy. 

October 9, 2024  – Introduction to Practice  

Described as the critical focus for conservation in the 21st Century, planning and designing nature-based systems and infrastructure in cities can bring needed solutions for the places where global populations are increasingly calling home. Cities with diverse cultural and ecological demographics are responding to the challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss with an array of new practices. Drawing examples from partner cities in the Biophilic Cities Network, practitioners will present on innovative approaches underway in their cities. 

October 16, 2024 – Special Topics in Biophilic Cities  

This session will focus on special issues of concern for the planning and design of biophilic cities. Explored with guest speakers these topics will include environmental justice and social equity, community engagement and co-creation, monitoring and reporting progress towards biophilic goals, and broad partnerships that can sustain biophilic investments. 

October 23, 2024 – Applying the Concepts  

The final session will examine how the concepts of biophilic city planning and design can be applied in the participants’ own cities and towns. The session will include short presentations from course participants with highlights from actions plans that will be developed by participants as the final class product. 

Registration and Cost 

The registration cost is $750, and the program offers 35 spots. Pricing includes a digital badge and digital award of completion at the conclusion of the program. Payment and registration must be received by September 25, 2024. 

Register for the program

Meet the Instructors

Tim Beatley headshot

Tim Beatley

Teresa Heinz Professor of Sustainable Communities, Urban + Environmental Planning

Register to Attend

Learn More

Learn more about the Biophilic Design and Planning Program

Please contact Alexa Jeffress, Director of Professional Programs:

Get to know more about Biophilic Cities

We invite you to explore the Biophilic Cities website and their diverse video collection.

Remote video URL

This video was provided by the Biophilic Cities Network. 

Woman smiling in front of whiteboard

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