Beverly Anderson

Beverly Anderson

Founder, Metropolitan Police Employee Assistance Program

Dr. Beverly J. Anderson is the Clinical Director and Administrator of the Metropolitan Police Employee Assistance Program (MPEAP) in Washington, D.C. She holds a Ph.D. and is a Board Certified Expert in Traumatic Stress (B.C.E.T.S.). Dr. Anderson has over 30 years of experience delivering psychological services to law enforcement officers and their families. She is recognized as a qualified legal expert in the field of trauma within law enforcement and has consulted with more than a dozen law enforcement agencies. Additionally, Dr. Anderson has instructed at the University of Virginia and the FBI National Academy. She provided expert testimony on stress in law enforcement officers and their families before the Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families. Dr. Anderson coined the term "Police Trauma Syndrome" to describe the long-term cumulative effects of traumatic exposure in police officers and has authored several assessment scales specifically for the law enforcement community.